Publisher: سازمان سمت
Author: صابر امامی
ISBN : 9789645309723
Publish Year : 1392
Research Group Code : 13
Digital ISBN : 978-600-02-1761-7
کد کتاب : 1757
Printed Page Count : 209
Congress Class : PIR3811/الف8ش7 1392
Dewey Decimal Classification : 8فا1/6209
National Bibliography Number : 3448891
In order to clarify the roots and backgrounds of the Islamic Revolution poetry, this book first presents a brief report on the political and literary trends of the Pahlavi dynasty, and then in detail explains the development of the Islamic Revolution poetry and the poems of its pioneer poets.
Further, while briefly pointing out to the evolution of the Islamic Revolution victory, the book introduces the first generation of poets of the post-revolution era and a sample of their poems, then comments on the style of their poetry, and mentions the names of the poets of the next generations.
Volume : 1.5 M Byte
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تعداد صفحات نسخه دیجیتال : 216
فصل اول: شعر پیش از انقلاب اسلامی
فصل دوم: شاعران پیش کسوت
فصل سوم: انقلاب اسلامی سال 1357
فصل چهارم: شاعران نسل اول