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دستور زبان فارسی

Publisher: سازمان سمت


Research Group Code : 26

Digital ISBN : 978-600-02-0971-1

کد کتاب : 1487

Printed Page Count : 126

Congress Class : ‏‫‭‭PIR2693‏‫‭/و7د5 1390

Dewey Decimal Classification : ‏‫‭4‮فا‬5

National Bibliography Number : ‎2‎4‎3‎1‎8‎1‎6

ISBN : 9789645306340

Publish Year : 1390

Book summary

The present book, Persian Grammar, aims at teaching Persian Language by using simple examples, fluent descriptions of grammatical rules and also language topic. This book has been prepared in such a level to fulfill the needs of the average learners. In this book, unnecessary descriptions have been avoided and supplementary explanations of the subject have been left to teachers. At the end of any grammatical subject, some exercises have been given. These are of two kinds; we have answered some of them and the learners have to describe and solve the others. It is expected that some of the respected readers may criticize the brevity of the book in presenting grammatical subjects, but we need to declare that the basso of the book has been founded on briefness.

کتاب الکترونیکی

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تعداد صفحات نسخه دیجیتال : 131



آغاز سخن
بخش اول: واحدهای زبان
بخش دوم: گروه فعلی
بخش سوم: گروه اسمی
بخش چهارم: ضمیر
بخش پنجم: قید
بخش ششم: حرف
بخش هفتم: وندها

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1396-7-28 21:26:22
